2025 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering, New Energy and Chemistry
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Basharat Ali
SA-Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences (SACIRBS)
International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Dr. Basharat Ali joined Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences (CIRBS), International Islamic University, Islamabad in February 2021. He completed his PhD in Organic Chemistry from HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, ICCBS, University of Karachi. During his PhD he worked on synthesis of hydrazones, thiosemicarbazides, 1,2,4-triazoles and other heterocyclic compounds. He worked as Research Assistant at Department of Polymer Science and Engineering in Zhejiang University, China. He worked on organometallic catalysis for polymer synthesis, and synthesis of Organic Solar Cells. During Post-Doctorate in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Soochow University, China he worked on synthesis of chemiluminescent dioxetane probes, fluorescent probes, and synthesis of anthraquinone (Rhein and Emodin Natural Products) derivatives
Dr. Vincent WOON Kok Sin
New Energy Science and Engineering
Xiamen University Malaysia
Dr. Vincent Woon is an Associate Professor and Head of PhD Program of New Energy Science and Engineering at Xiamen University Malaysia. His research focuses on carbon footprint analysis, life cycle sustainability assessment, multi-objective optimization, AI-predictive analytics in climate change, etc., to advance the complex understanding of environment-economic-social well-being nexus in sectors such as solid waste management, green building, renewable energy, and transportation. He has published over 60 refereed articles, including Science as the corresponding author. He has received several international fellowships and awards, such as ACS I&ECR 2023 Class of Influential Researcher, IEAGHG Summar School Fellowship, Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Scholar, UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Fellowship, First-Prize Award for Outstanding Research on Development by the Global Development Network through the World Bank, Fulbright Young Leader under the U.S. Government's YSEALI Program, and CrossCulture Programme Fellowship by the German Federal Foreign Office. He has been invited to act as a Lead or Managing Guest Editor, Editorial Board Member, Conference Chair, Session Chair, and the Scientific Committee of a variety of reputable international journals and conferences.
Prof. Jose Rajan
Faculty Of Industrial Sciences & Technology
University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Professor Rajan Jose supervises the Nanostructured Renewable Energy Materials Laboratory in the Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and is the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Nature journal Materials Circular Economy and Editor-in-Chief of Current Science & Technology. He has served as the Dean of Research of UMP during Feb 2016 – Aug 2019 and a member of various committees of UMP and Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.
He has investigated nanostructured perovskite ceramics for microwave and superconducting electronics during doctoral research at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Trivandrum, India and has received PhD degree in the year 2002.He has contributed to the science and engineering of diverse range of materials. He was employed as a scientist at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (India), AIST (Japan), Toyota Technological Institute (Japan), and the National University of Singapore (Singapore) before joining UMP. He has published over 230 papers in Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) indexed journals which are cited over12800 times with an h-index of 60 according to Google Scholar database.